Location: Eagan, Minnesota, United States

I have an ambitious dream of winning the RAT race by 30 years of age( By that I mean earning money for the sake of survival..) I would like to create a difference in this world in as many ways as IMPOSSIBLE.. I am a Maverick who constantly seeks different and possibly better ways of doing things. My Mission Statement in life is as follows: Develop and use your Brains, Work Hard, Make Lots of money and use it to serve Society.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Importance of Consciousness

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power... said Abraham Lincoln..

Amongst many things that can blind a person, power stands almost at the top. Besides that, money, women and wine could be other agents of blinding a person out of his senses.

"Pragnya" in Sanskrit symbolises consciousness. When we are aware of what we do, we are said to be conscious. Every night, when we sleep, we lose consciousness. We are in a blissful state when we dont know what happens around us.

According to the Bhagavad Gita, one who keeps his conscience under his control and remains unflutterd amidst all the chaos around him in this world is called "Sthitha-Pragyna"..

The world according to the Chaos theory always moves into a state of higher entropy or chaos. That's its natural course. To distinguish between things which are constant and those which change would require a significant effort and practice.


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