Location: Eagan, Minnesota, United States

I have an ambitious dream of winning the RAT race by 30 years of age( By that I mean earning money for the sake of survival..) I would like to create a difference in this world in as many ways as IMPOSSIBLE.. I am a Maverick who constantly seeks different and possibly better ways of doing things. My Mission Statement in life is as follows: Develop and use your Brains, Work Hard, Make Lots of money and use it to serve Society.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A new way to react..

How should a father react if his son/daughter fails in a particular subject..

There could be two reasons why this could have happened.

One of them is that it was a bad day for your otherwise brilliant son/daughter and given another chance, he/she will ace the exam. This assumption is true if he/she has a inherent liking for the subject under consideration.

The second reason could be that your son/daugther simply hates this subject and hence this failure is a proof of his interests. That should give a signal to the parents to identify the actual area of interest and make them excel in that field. In this case, the parents should realise the fact that their son/daughter will fail irrespective of when and how many times their ward will take up this exam.!!!

Extending this situation to many other problems in life.. We should first and foremost analyse whether we are solving a "Solvable problem".. There are enough people around us to challenge us with impossible problems like " Straightening a dog's tail ". They present these problems as challenges and provoke us to solve them. Its entirely upto us to fall for their bait..

Intelligence makes you to take a given problem, analyse it and come up with a solution approach.

Wisdom tells you whether a given problem is solvable or not.

So, its important for parents to inculcate and develop both intelligence and wisdom.. This saves and conserves our precious energies and enables to focus our thoughts and attention on the solvable problems.. !!!!


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