A form of Social Irresponsibility
Now coming to the Big question. Are these dependant souls right in demanding a normal life which translates into marrying and having kids. The fundamental question which every thoughtful and responsible person(irrespective of their educational qualifications) should think is whether they are right in taking the step of having a dependant wife and kids who translate financially as those who require money for their support and sustenance. My take is its better for these dependant people to take a conscious decision to remain single or if they so decide for marriage, it should be based on their confidence to sustain the dependant family themselves.
Depending on their kith and kin to support their entire family tantamouts to only Social Irresponsibility although it might sound a bit harsh.
A noble alternative is to help other children to get better educational skills so that they do not end up as dependants or anti-social elements. Nobody knows the importance of education better than these people.