The Journey of Life

Location: Eagan, Minnesota, United States

I have an ambitious dream of winning the RAT race by 30 years of age( By that I mean earning money for the sake of survival..) I would like to create a difference in this world in as many ways as IMPOSSIBLE.. I am a Maverick who constantly seeks different and possibly better ways of doing things. My Mission Statement in life is as follows: Develop and use your Brains, Work Hard, Make Lots of money and use it to serve Society.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

How much is too much...

There was an era a few decades back when adults who got married had clear areas of demarcation when it came to responsibility sharing. This sounded sensible from the point of view of the management jargon of Core-Competency. Let me explain...

Men were traditional bread-winners who were supposed to bring in the money while women were expected to manage home-affairs. What happened as a consequence was that men hardly got to explore the kitchen department and it was not an unusual tale for husbands to eat out when their wives were out-of-station. In fact many relished the break from routine and also the chance to savour some new delicacies dished out at hotels. The woman side story was not pretty different. Since they hardly got to interact in the commercial world outside, they found their sudden trips to be unusual and difficult to manage without their husbands by their side. This prompted many wives to get back home at the earliest.

Hence we had a situation when marriages often worked due to the inherent dependancies of life-partners on one-another for complementary competencies.

Now the pendulum has swung a little further. Both men and women are more financially independant. Their job postings have often made both of them to stay alone for sufficently long periods for both sexes to be more self-made in various departments like cooking, shopping, budgeting, house-keeping etc. Hence the boundaries between traditional men-only and women-only jobs have been shrinking. As a consequence, there is a less steep learning curve in terms of responsibility sharing. But the flipside of this independence has been that there has not been a real strong felt need for a life-partner nowadays barring biologial needs( do I need to elaborate??).

But does marriage merely work for satisfying biological needs. Hence, the plausible explanation for increase in divorce rates as discussed in this article here.


What connects Mata AmritaNanda Mayi with Munnabhai MBBS..

Both advocate hugging therapy to cure the world that is torn with strife and suspicion.

A radically different approach laced with love and affection to conquer hearts. A pretty powerful and cheap weapon that should definitely prove more effective than the Patriots and Tomahawks..

Mr George Bush.. Are you listening ???